"It is the world of words that creates the world of things"

It is clear that Lacan, with this phrase did not refer to material things. He meant that everything that exists, from joys or sorrows, is materialized through the word.

It is from there that Lacan’s maxim arises: "The Word is the Death of the Thing", that is, our words have the power of creation and destruction of everything that makes us good or bad.

I write this Blog primarily as a form of expression: to make concrete feelings, joys, disappointments, whether physical or material.

I also make concrete through words, what I believe to be good and will direct my words to the universe of the online market.

This way, in this blog you will read everything, at different times: In some moments I will vent personal feelings that you may or may not identify and in others I will comment on various products that I find interesting and that may be useful to you.

Lacan, forgive me, forgive me!

Lacan, 1966

Attention: If you are looking for a product for any need you are going through, leave your name and email and we will send you the best deals for any need. Thank you!